Marvelous Monday 6/1


It’s June?! When did THAT happen… I can’t even believe it. I guess it would be a good time to look back at this past month running wise, and what is coming up this next month. MiMM Running in May: by the numbers…
Total Miles: 220
Average Pace: 7’54”
Number of Races: 1 (Stamford Girls & Boys Club 5K – 19:48, 35th Overall, 1st Female)
Overall Thoughts: Happy with how I’ve transitioned back from Boston recovery to running comfortably and consistently. Not focusing too much on pace, but enjoying running doubles to increase milage, while also working in shorter, faster runs.

Running in June:
Total Miles: ideally looking to hit around 225/250. I’m hoping to build my milage back up while keeping up with speed/tempo workouts and with my circuit training.
Average Pace: still looking to keep my paces comfortable in between tempo/speed workouts. Not looking for target times yet.
Number of Races: 1. As mentioned before, I’m signed up to run the Fairfield Half as a pacer for the 1:40 group. I am super excited to take a different approach to this race and really enjoy it. I would like to add in a few additional, shorter races some weekends to keep focusing on my speed and leg turnover.
Goals for June: Looking to again have my milage remain consistent, not focusing on pace. Really being rested and ready to start training in July for NYCM. I’d really like to incorporate more strength/circuit training into my workouts (at least twice a week) as I think I have felt a slight different in turnover capabilities. I would also like to race at least two shorter, faster races this month.

Other things that are totally floating my boat on this Monday… It’s a joke because it’s STILL raining. #WheresNoah?

  • So these happened were needed. I finally had to retire my most favorite pair of Pegasus’ to date… the neon orange and two tone black/grey got me through Boston, but with over 600+ miles and the beginnings of joint pain… I bit the bullet and bought my new summer shoes. Or as I like to call them, limos for my feet. Cheers to the next 600 miles…

    So clean
  • Is it totally weird that I enjoyed the rain/thunderstorm/icky humid weather yesterday? Sometimes it’s hard for me to just sit back, relax, and unwind, but in rainy weather I really enjoy it. Read: I watched a lot of episodes of Entourage (yes I’m seeing the movie on Wednesday) and I made date balls… more to come on that : )
  • Free SoulCycle class this morning. Friends and family #killedit. I loved getting everyones feedback and I can’t wait to write up a post about it!
  • I’m so excited beach weather is finally here! I am hoping to get a bit more quality beach time in these next few weekends. Here’s to obtaining a summer glow before the Fourth.
  • This past Saturday I was so lucky to have my friends and family join me for my first BBQ on my apartments roof deck. I’d love to show you all the delicious eats and beautiful friends/family framily, but I was having so much fun that I didn’t take a single picture. Side note: sometimes forgetting to take pictures or documenting my weekend makes me feel like a bad blogger. But I really appreciate my time away from the internet. I try to focus my weekend on my loved ones as well as myself. I do my best to avoid Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, etc. Do I check every day? Yes. Do I check constantly? No. I think it’s rude and disrespectful to those you are spending time with and I appreciate my one on one time with them. #SteppingOffSoapBox
  • I purchased a blender this weekend (see bullet point numero uno). And not just any blender… a gorgeous, brand spankin’ new, multi-purpose, self-cleaning blender. My blender and I are in LOVE, and I don’t care who knows it! (Name that movie and we can be friends).

I hope everyone had a phenomenal weekend and has a MARVELOUS  Monday! Catch you all tomorrow. : ) Linking up with Erin for Weekend RecapTara for Weekend Update, and Katie for Marvelous Monday 

I’m in need of a few good summer beach reads… any suggestions? Best book you’ve read lately?

Any races planned for this month?

When do you retire your sneakers? I try to get a new pair around 500… not sure why I waited so long this time? I get attached to my shoes… it’s a little weird. I probably have the last 3 pairs of running shoes. Totally unwearable but I just can’t part with them yet. Too many miles and too many memories.

50 thoughts on “Marvelous Monday 6/1

  1. YOU DO RABBIT RABBIT TOO!? That’s my favorite tradition, but I’ve had to introduce it to everyone I’ve met!

    Also I love your outlook on avoiding social media with friends 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great mileage for the month!! Your new shoes are cute! What type of blender did you get? I’m in need of a new one (probably because I use it almost every day, I have the magic bullet).


    1. I got a Vitamix. I totally bit the bullet and bought the most overpriced blender. But while I’ve only had it … mmmm 48 hours. I AM OBSESSED! Highly recommend. And I think it’s totally worth it! 🙂


  3. Totally agree with you on the whole social media/pictures thing. I’m still new to blogging, but I never feel the need to whip out my camera at all points during the weekend. I miss out on sharing every second of my weekend, but it’s better to enjoy it and take in the moment!

    Great month of May and I hope June is just as good for you!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I only miss the photos when I go to write my blog post and I’m like hmmm this is going to be rather wordy. Haha. Thank you! Hope you have a fabulous Monday : )


  4. Loooooove those shoes! Good for you for not taking pictures… I wish more people would put their phones down at BBQs and gatherings. Thomas and I were out to dinner one night and the couple next to us did not put their phones down the ENTIRE meal… even when they were eating! There is definitely a healthy balance to be had 🙂

    The best book I’ve read lately was Girl on the Train. Also, I am in the middle of All the Light we Cannot See and it is really good so far! Two veryyyyy different books though.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Nothing bothers me more when phones are out during dinner. Even if they’re not being used there’s no need to have them on the table. I read Girl on the Train and powered through it in likeeee a day. Haha. I need to check out All the Light… I’ve heard good things! Hope you have a great day! : )


  5. Movie=elf, duhz.

    Soul cycle was amaze balls. You rock for putting that together. TYSM ILYSM.

    Lastly, my neon orange Pegs have yet to hit 6 hundo but I will continue to think of your bad self while I rock them! Xoxo

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  6. Great month of running! Sounds like you had a pretty great weekend, too 🙂 I’m reading Me Before You and so far I really like it! I agree with your phone philosophy… be in the moment people. There’s a time and place for social media, and it’s not 24/7. Happy Monday.

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  7. I just finished Girl on the Train and would definitely recommend it! My shoes usually don’t last that long…I usually retired them around 350 miles. I have another 5k in June but I am away for 3 out of the 4 weekends so that will be all for the month!

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  8. I am the same, I don’t take pictures of ANYTHING when I am out because I think it is rude and it is just not a priority – being with whomever I am is. But I swear I do fun things 😉
    I wear multiple pairs of sneakers at the same time some last longer than others, my kinvara’s upper tends to start to bust early on but I still love them; my mizuno’s tend to last to 500 or so.

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  9. I’ve been reading a lot lately, but they aren’t your typical books, so I’ll probably leave that to others! I can’t even with people now doing snapchat as well. It is exhausting. Plus, I would just do inappropriate things, and lose what readers I do have!

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  10. Nice job this month!

    I totally feel you about feeling like a bad blogger because you don’t have pics of everything. My blog posts definitely suffer from pictures because I just can’t get over my awkwardness about snapping pics of random crap and being “that girl” out in public. I love my time away from the social media, too. I catch up with blogging during the work day during breaks in the action, but I am rarely on FB/blogging in the evenings or on weekends. After sitting at a computer ALL DAY I cherish that time to be away from it.

    I don’t keep track of how many miles I run in my shoes so I just sorta make an educated guess about when it’s time to replace. Usually after a marathon is a good time to get a new pair, more as a reward to myself than anything 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Absolutely! Nothing like picking out a new spiffy pair of kicks! I usually try to rotate in my new shoes on the first of a month so I can generally estimate where I’m at milage wise. Its the only way I can remember!


  11. Nice job this month! I hit 238 miles this month and would also like to be closer to 250. After I run Grandma’s I plan to recover and work towards that in July! I wear the Brooks Pure Connect and they wear out pretty quickly, so I retire them every 300-400 miles. I did wear the Nike Zoom Elites for awhile and loved how durable they are!! Nike makes GREAT shoes and your new ones are prettyyyyyyy!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I love that you didn’t take any pictures at you BBQ – not a bad blogger at all – just living in the moment and that’s awesome! We went to an amazing Thai place for dinner on Friday and one of my first thoughts was, I should take a picture. And then I realized we were having such a nice time and breaking up the conversation to reposition the plates would have taken away from the sweet moment. Sometimes a little break ftom social media is just what I need.

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  13. I love statistics so the nerd in me got all excited about this post! I love that you maintained a 7’54 pace over the entire months! That’s just cool to me! I hope June is even better running-wise for you though this looks like a great month. 🙂


  14. For me the mark of a great weekend was one I forgot to take pictures of! I love being in the moment without whipping out my phone every 5 seconds.
    I LOVED my Pegasus’s and I think it’s time to get me a new pair.

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  15. I can never stay up with social media. I can’t even get the point of Snapchat, even though so many of my friends use it.
    As for book suggestions, I’m a snob for the great books (once an English lit major, always an English lit major), so any suggestions I’d offer would sound like a college syllabus!
    Have a great Monday!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Love the shoes! I’m looking to get back to 220-250 mileage range this month too. I traveled/had a fitness conference at beginning of the month and ended up with 190. Not bad by any means but not where I wanted it to be. Starting next weekend I have a few 5k’s planned but nothing major until August. 🙂

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  17. I can usually tell when it’s time to retire sneakers because I start getting larger calluses on the undersides of my tootsies 😦 I have read a couple good books lately, Girl On The Train, I Was Here, The Good Girl, and I am rereading Superfreakonomics in preparation for their new book How To Rob A Bank. All were good!

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Awesome monthly mileage! I wish my shoes would get 500 miles in them. Lately I am lucky to get to 300 in a pair of shoes. I don’t run a lot of miles but I guess I am brutal on shoes. I’m looking for new books to read as well, I seem to be in a reading funk.

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    1. I’m super stringent . I only wear my sneakers on runs. Never to the gym or for cross training. I think that’s helped me squeak a few more miles out of them!


    1. Haha yes sneaker shopping can be quite the undertaking! Until I found my groove with the Nike Pegs, I would look for HOURS! Now it’s just a single hour – deciding on color is just as important : )

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  19. What a great weekend! Um, you should definitely read The One That Got Away by Bethany Chase; that was a good one; also, I really enjoyed Eight Hundred Grapes by Laura Dave. I usually replace my shoes around the 400-ish mark; I think that just gives me an excuse to buy more shoes, Jamie – ha! 😉 My next race is on June 20 and it’s a MILE race – gah! Hope you’re week has gone well and I can’t wait to hear about your weekend; thanks so much for linking up with the blog!

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