Friday Favorites 5/29/15

Happy Friday!

I’m linking up with Heather and Clare this week for my Friday Favorites. Having Monday off, this week seemed to go by rather quickly. I am not complaining about that!

I’m so excited for the weekend. The weather is supposed to be gorgeous on Saturday (hi beach time), and I’m hosting my first BBQ at my apartment that night! I moved in at the end of last summer and actually never had a housewarming party. Since my building has an awesome roof deck and some outdoor grills (of the cooking kind, not Nelly), I figured why not kick summer off on the right foot and have everyone over to my apartment for a tasty summer BBQ!

I think the weather forecast for Sunday is iffy, but I honestly wouldn’t be sad with a little rain if it’s gorgeous on Saturday! Perhaps it will give me the opportunity motivation to actually go and purchase a blender now that I’ve picked one out! : )

I decided to spice things up around here and I’m going to go off Clare’s format and do my first Five Things Friday:

1. Free SoulCycle Class:

Because we all know that I love getting my SoulCycle on, I was so thrilled when the manager of the Westport studio reached out to me regarding a free class for my friends and family.

The addiction is real.

One of my favorite aspects of SoulCycle is their focus on community. Not only did Alyssa hook me up with a free class, she wanted to spread the love to my friends and family, and engage members in the community who haven’t tried a class yet!

Not SoulCycle but we love spinning!

I will definitely do a full recap after the class on Monday, but I’m so excited that I have both my parents joining (their first time!) and 15 of my friends! I am hoping to get some feedback to include in my recap next week.

2. Dinner with High School Friends:

BF and I went into the city Wednesday night to meet up with two of my high school friends and their boyfriends/fiances. Because I’m super high maintenance smart, we met up at Park Avenue Tavern right near Grand Central. Since BF and I are not city dwellers, it made the trip a bit more manageable (read: avoiding the subway).

I’m actually ashamed I didn’t take a picture of the girls. Actually I’m relieved, mainly because they both looked adorable in their Lilly Pulitzer outfits, while I rocked the distressed boyfriend jeans, black t-shirt, and sneaker wedges. #TomboyForLife

So instead, I will bless you with photos of me from circa 2005.

Yep… dressing like a tomboy
Yikes. At least I was tan?

Dinner was delicious and I would recommend for anyone who wants to grab a bite to eat near Grand Central. I got a Greek Salad with hard boiled egg (i.e. I created my own dinner) and a side of sweet potato croquettes.

It was so much fun getting to catch up and have all the boys meet for the first time. I foresee a lot more reunions in the near future. Especially now that summer time is here, I think I can pry my city-loving friends out to the #burbs for some quality beach time.

3. Enjoying Circuit Workouts: 

I hate to say it, mainly because I have been so stubborn, but I have been enjoying the circuit training I’ve been doing. It’s a nice change of pace. I have missed the last two weeks of SoulCycle (#HelpMeImPoor) so having a non-running form of exercise has been great for me. I’m still trying to embrace the “off season” and rest, but it’s nice to feel accomplished after a workout that isn’t just running.

Circuit Round 2. #Shameless

I won’t lie.. I’m partial to the leg/ab circuit as opposed to the arms/back/chest one. Probably because I end up engaging more muscles and feel a bit more fatigued at the end. #InstantGratification

4. Edamame Bean Dip:

I love Whole Foods.

Can’t stop. Won’t stop. I put it on everything.

5. This article:

BF sent this to me at work. Before even opening it, I knew tears were coming. And “if this doesn’t make you emotional you’re probably an asshole cat person”. #Fact Sorry if any of you have cats…

Love this one. HAI

So adorable. And you know what…. I’d do the exact same for Kona.

Alright. That’s all for this week folks! I can’t wait to get back next week and share some pretty cool posts with y’all. Have a fantastic weekend and check back Sunday for my weekly workout recap!


Any fun plans this weekend?

When you move into a new house/apartment do you throw a housewarming party?

If you had to describe yourself as a sandwich, what kind of sandwich would you be and why? A spicy, jalapeno veggie burger with avocado. Mainly because I’m a lot of fun, like to have a good time, but also stay healthy. And avocados are cool so there’s that.

31 thoughts on “Friday Favorites 5/29/15

  1. Good luck with your BBQ! Can’t wait to hear about it/take picssss!

    MK as a sandwich: english muffin, Sriracha, spinach, sardines. Why? Holes in the muffin to soak up the goodness (I like to think that good parts of me are from others’ influences), Sriracha because 1) it’s my favorite thing ever and 2) I have a bit of a temper, and spinach and sardines because… I don’t have a good answer for those, they’re just some of my favorite foods!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I think we are going to wait until we get a deck to have a housewarming party of any sort. We have a walkout basement, and our backyard is kind of on a hill, so its pretty much impossible to be out in the backyard at this point.
    I wish I lived closer to the beach! I am waiting for my community pool passes to come so I can at least go to the pool on summer weekends:)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I think one of my favorite parts of summer is BBQ’ing but I’ve never hosted one! We shall see how it goes! Hope you have an awesome weekend!!


  3. Your party sounds fun 🙂 Hope the rain holds off and you have a great time! Also, thanks for the restaurant recommendation! I’ll be visiting NYC in June and will be staying very close to the tavern! I’ll definitely check it out 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I once took the what kind of sandwich would you be and veggie burger! I need to find the link. I’ve also gotten salad before (for what type of dish) which I take to be an honor because I’m pretty healthy most of the time and different with each bite 😀

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  5. I can’t read the article because I’ll start crying at work and then adopt 5 dogs on the way home. I really can’t deal with sad stuff relating to dogs. I have to cover my eyes/ears and run out of the room when the stupid adoption commercials come on TV. And I literally had to leave Marley & Me early when I saw it at the movie theater.

    Side note: that bean dip sounds AWESOME

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha I KNEW I would have tears as soon as I read the title. It’s a miracle I now don’t own all the dogs. When the Sarah McLachlan ASPCA add is on TV I need to remove myself immediately!!! I cannot watch Marley & Me either. You’re brave for seeing it in theaters!!! Hope you have a great weekend lots of hugs to your pup!!!


    2. You and I are too alike – I read the article and then cradled Charlie like a baby for a good ten minutes while telling him I loved him!

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  6. Aw, that dog story is too sweet – melts my heart ❤
    I'm actually staying in the city tonight to bar-hop with some grad-school friends. It's been awhile since we were together! But I much prefer to stay in the suburbs most of the time as well. The city life is not something I can handle 24/7.
    Hope you have a great BBQ!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. your arms look fab in that workout pic! love circuit workouts. i’m headed upstate to see the parents and chill at their lakehouse again this wknd…can’t wait. have a good wknd!

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  8. The dog article definitely made me cry! Dogs and dog owners are the best.
    If I was a sandwich, I’d probably be something like a goat cheese and roasted veggie sandwich with bacon on whole wheat bread. I like to strike a good balance between healthy and bacon.
    Have fun with your BBQ and have a great weekend!

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  9. We are in the very early stages of renovating our so my fun plans are to help my husband gut the whole thing…and a long run! We definitely do housewarming parties…that’s the best part of a new space! Have fun!

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  10. I am moving next week! I don’t know if we are having a house warming party, but she promised me grilled corn on the cob for our first meal so that is a must! If I was a sandwich, I would be PB&J with pickles. Either that or a hummus wrap with pear and plum chutney #StrangeButGood

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  11. I have been dying to try out SoulCycle in DC. I need to put that on my to-do list when the boys are in summer camp!

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