Weekly Workout Recaps

Well hello there! This is my first time blogging from my phone so PLEASE bear with me. l had a wildly amazing time in Nantucket with my friends and family, so I will be keeping this brief.

Full disclosure of weekend debauchery to come tomorrow. Stay tuned : )

Workouts from the past week…

PM Run (7.85 miles, 7’39” pace): After a gluttonous Sunday, I felt way too tired (too much rest? Is that a thing?) to get up and run before work. Therefore, I had to do my best and muster up the strength to run after work. Felt good and strong, kept pace relaxed, ran by feel.

AM Run (5.31 miles, 8’46” pace): Legs felt a little stiff after my run Monday night. I also think I might have been a bit dehydrated from the heat the day before. But, it still felt good to get up and run early. It was misting, I didn’t hate it.
PM Run (4.23 miles, 7’01” pace): After a shakeout-like run this morning, I was ready to get my leg turnover going. I love the atmosphere at run club. No matter how drowsy or lethargic I feel after work, it’s nice to run in the company of others to really motivate me to hit aggressive paces. Also – BF beat me. #KilledIt

AM Run (1.5 miles, 8’08” pace): This was a run that wasn’t. After run club Tuesday night, I had some stiffness in my left knee from tweaking it on a storm drain. Instead of pushing through discomfort and hoping my muscles would loosen up, I called it a day and walked back home. I’m working hard to listen to my body. I am not training for anything right now, so why run and injure myself? Also… my iPod died. That may have had something to do with my decision….

AM Run ( 7.64 miles, 8’10” pace): Knee felt okay. Not 100% perfect, but loosened up on the run, and I had a nice, easy run to start my day. Came home to stretch and work on core – no residual knee pain/stiffness post run.
PM Run (3.12 miles, 6’24pace): Stamford Boys and Girls club hosted a “Corporate 5k”. 19:42. 35th overall, first woman. It was the first 5k I’ve run in a long time so it was nice to see where my fitness is at. I really believe that 5ks are the hardest race ever. I felt like I thought I was going to keel over at the finish…I’d share the finish photos but I’m going to keep my dignity.

AM Circuit: Exciting to stick with my second week of circuit training! And I’m glad to give my knee another days rest after two double runs this week.

AM Run (10.02 miles, pace 7’49”): Scenic miles around Nantucket. Nothing is better than running here. Although a bit more of a “rolling hills” environment, it’s nice to be running on a bike path, without traffic, and without stop lights. A change of scenery always makes these runs go by quickly! This is my first double-digit run in a few weeks so it felt good to get out early and get moving.

Already missing this


AM Run (5.05 miles, 8’09″pace): holy wind. Made the journey back home late tonight (in hopes of avoiding the nightmare that is the traffic on Cape Cod). Nice to get a bit of a run in before a car trip 🙂

And there yah have it folks! Core work, stretching and foam rolling Monday – Friday (patting myself on the back), 5 days of running, with roughly 45 miles. Only one day of designated day of cross training this week (SoulCycle – why did you fill up my favorite Thursday AM class!?).

Hope you all had a great weekend! Tune in tomorrow for a FULL recap of my MDW : )

Linking up with Erin for Weekend RecapTara for Weekend Update, and Katie for Marvelous Monday 

What was your favorite workout this past week?

Do you ever find it hard to stop a workout short? I hate hate hate ending a workout/stopping a run short, but sometimes it’s the smartest thing to do. Doesn’t mean it’s easy though!

21 thoughts on “Weekly Workout Recaps

  1. BLAHH I had to cut my workout short yesterday (hip thing)… I know it’s the best, but it’s hard 😦

    Can’t wait to hear all about Nantucket!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi! I’m visiting from Tara’s Weekend update! I can’t believe you successfully published a blog post from your phone! It is completely impossible for me to do, so I am amazed at this! 🙂 I would have to say that my favorite workout from this past week was my long run on Saturday. 12 miles felt effortless and I have never experienced that before!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I got to the gym yesterday only to realize I forgot my headphones at home. It’s such a bummer when technology (like your iPod dying) can somewhat ruin a workout! Hoping you have a better week ahead!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. My favorite workout of the past week was the first day I was able to run a whole hour without stopping. I ran really slow, but have a renewed respect for new runners. It’s HARD to come back after injury! 45 miles is legit! Great job!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks girl!! Haha yeah didn’t know how I felt about this phone thing… I thought there was a high likelihood of it making zero sense!


  5. Wow, what a week and a speedy 5k! I have never run doubles in my life and I’m sure they would kill me 🙂 I’m actually really scared to blog from my phone and have never done it, but I’m going to have to in June a few times with a trip planned. Very impressed!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Haha thank you! I was rather shocked as technology is not really my “thing”. Double are great to increasing milage but woof am I sore the next day!


  6. Great week of workouts! (I’ve been a little behind, sorry I’m just getting to this now!) Congrats on your super speedy 5k and your win! 5k’s really are a tough distance to race.

    Liked by 1 person

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